Do Not Leave Your Glass on the Sink


This is not my cat.  My cat is a big fluffy Siberian Forest Cat named Frostyman the Cat.  He is a beautiful boy, but he is everything a cat should be.  This morning I learned another lesson from Frosty.  Do NOT leave your water glass on the counter with water in it and go back and drink the water later.

I usually have a glass of water that I keep by the sink during the day with ice in it.  I am trying to drink a lot of water as I know it is good for you.

This morning when I came down to the kitchen there was my beautiful boy with his head totally immersed in my glass of water. Frosty

It made me wonder how long my cat and I had been sharing the same glass of water?

I have found in the past, if I leave food on the counter, it becomes “cat food”, no matter what it is.  I also found if I cover it with a clean dish towel, the cat has no interest in it.  He does not seem to have the where with all to remove the towel or maybe is lazy or maybe is just not smart enough.

Going forward, if I leave my water glass on the sink, I will cover it with a clean dish towel. If the towel is removed then I will know the cat shared my water and now it is his.

Moral:  The cat usually wins.

Do Not Leave Your Glass on the Sink