Artwork in its new home

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For the last about 15 years I have been enjoying the creative pastime of painting and drawing.  Over the years I have sold many pieces and with the exception of a  doctor’s office, where I helped install the work I seldom get to see it in it’s new environment.

The second photo is of a piece I sold at Interiors of Edmonds and the new owner was kind enough to share a photo of it hanging in her lovely home.  All artists should be so lucky to see where their work finds a home.

Thank you for sharing.

Artwork in its new home

How does your day begin?

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Everyday in my home I wake up to a variation of this view.  It took a long time in life to get to the place where I wake up and can’t wait to see the view of the morning.  I kept buying and selling and then building and selling to make a profit on each so I could move to somewhere with a better view. I am in the smallest home, other than my first in Del Mar, California and I love the view the best!

Many do not understand this obsession, but living in the Pacific Northwest we have this incredible opportunity to live our lives with amazing views or using a word I heard for the first time “Fablioso” views. If you don’t live where you love the view you wake up to, then perhaps it is time to think about moving?

That is where I came in to help you find just the right view.  As an artist and a professional (ASID & IIDA) interior designer (Yes I passed the two day test) and having worked to earn a PhD in Business Marketing, I can do a great job for you!

Think of me when you think of Real Estate. Join me on one of my Facebook pages:




How does your day begin?

Shining Through

Shining Through

Imagine the sun slipping through the gray clouds with a little glimmer of gold on the roof tops.

It is fun to try different things.

When I was in the same painting class/group for twelve years, the lead painter/instructor was always telling me what I could do and what I should not do. Now that I no longer go to that painting session, I feel the freedom of feeling good about trying a lot of different things without someone trying to put a stop to my experimentation.

I realized when I left the class and walked by this persons new studio/gallery that all the paintings looked alike and that mine were mini replicas of the artists work.

At that moment in time, walking with my youngest son, who pointed out the same thing I realized I could make my own educated choices about what worked and what did not work (for me)

For an artist it is important to sell your work so you can sort of make a living, but it is also even more important to feel good about what you are doing.

In my other painting experience I was doing a lot of traveling and bringing in enlarged photos, which I shared with everyone in the group. Later I thought about it and it devalued what I was doing, for there would be four or five paintings of the same scenario, that photo I shared with the group.

Sometimes it takes doing and looking back later to realize you learned all you could from that situation and it is time to look forward.

If you look closely at this painting, there is gold leaf attached to the oil paint, and if you look even closer you will see more drawing on the clouds. I love sketching and this painting combines those two loves.

Hope you like it.


Slug Wars

Slug Wars

50 pages of funny cartoons for your PNW friends that love to garden, but don’t love slugs…….

You can order from me directly. It iself-published, so might have one or two typing errors as I wrote the comments with one hand. Broke a finger on the left hand doing “Bootcamp”…


Almost Heaven

Almost Heaven

Yesterday before we lost electricity in the storm, I was working on this painting, and thought it seemed a little dull, so had fun adding some Gold Leaf and liked the effect so much, I may do a series using that in my paintings.


Its not always greener

Its not always greener

We seem to always think that it would be better if, if we had done X instead of Y, that we took the wrong road and etc.

We have done what we have done in life and nothing can really change what we have done. So savor the moment, live each day to the fullest and enjoy what you are doing at any time.

That is my thought for the day.


Finally a day in my studio and inspired

Finally a day in my studio and inspired by the beautiful day and living on the water.  Surfsong catches the moon on the water if you like.  Picture a dreamy night, walking on the beach with the moon up above and the surf ponding in the distance.  Can’t you just see yourself there.   Many nights in my life I have walked that path and it always made me appreciate the beauty and power of nature.




“Rich impressionist colors tainted with a little humor”

Today I was asked to describe my art in ten words or so. The painting shared today is named “Three is Not Company”. What I like to do is make you think about what I have painted and realize there is more than goes into a painting than you might think. It was the day, it was Paris, is amazing how uncomfortable the woman on the right looked as the man in the middle was intensely interested in the woman on the left.

What do you think, is it a good description of my art?


Home is where you ???

Home is where you dumpHome is where you ???

As most of you know I have been using my paintings to make smaller plaques and with this one I have dilemma. Which saying to use? One is a little crass and the other coupld mean a couple of different things?

Voice an opinion. Which do you like or if you were thinking about buying one, which one would it be?? Thanks
