Shining Through

Shining Through

Imagine the sun slipping through the gray clouds with a little glimmer of gold on the roof tops.

It is fun to try different things.

When I was in the same painting class/group for twelve years, the lead painter/instructor was always telling me what I could do and what I should not do. Now that I no longer go to that painting session, I feel the freedom of feeling good about trying a lot of different things without someone trying to put a stop to my experimentation.

I realized when I left the class and walked by this persons new studio/gallery that all the paintings looked alike and that mine were mini replicas of the artists work.

At that moment in time, walking with my youngest son, who pointed out the same thing I realized I could make my own educated choices about what worked and what did not work (for me)

For an artist it is important to sell your work so you can sort of make a living, but it is also even more important to feel good about what you are doing.

In my other painting experience I was doing a lot of traveling and bringing in enlarged photos, which I shared with everyone in the group. Later I thought about it and it devalued what I was doing, for there would be four or five paintings of the same scenario, that photo I shared with the group.

Sometimes it takes doing and looking back later to realize you learned all you could from that situation and it is time to look forward.

If you look closely at this painting, there is gold leaf attached to the oil paint, and if you look even closer you will see more drawing on the clouds. I love sketching and this painting combines those two loves.

Hope you like it.


Slug Wars

Slug Wars

50 pages of funny cartoons for your PNW friends that love to garden, but don’t love slugs…….

You can order from me directly. It iself-published, so might have one or two typing errors as I wrote the comments with one hand. Broke a finger on the left hand doing “Bootcamp”…


“Rich impressionist colors tainted with a little humor”

Today I was asked to describe my art in ten words or so. The painting shared today is named “Three is Not Company”. What I like to do is make you think about what I have painted and realize there is more than goes into a painting than you might think. It was the day, it was Paris, is amazing how uncomfortable the woman on the right looked as the man in the middle was intensely interested in the woman on the left.

What do you think, is it a good description of my art?


Tulips, like lovers don’t always return ?

Tulips, like lovers don't always return

Taking a class on collage got me thinking, how can you use your art to get a point across, have some fun with it and bring it to a slightly larger audience.

In the next few days, I will be taking paintings I have done in the past or drawings and will try to add interesting quotes to them.

Would love your ideas or suggestions if you so desire!


Quiet can be your best friend

Quiet can be your best friend

Having just returned from a two week road trip to meet my beautiful two year old grand daughter from Cambodia, traveling with my youngest son to visit my oldest son was rewarding in many ways.

Getting to know Claire a little was totally amazing! Traveling with my youngest son was a fun adventure. We talked a lot on the trip, but also found we could comfortably drive for many miles not needing conversation.

I have always loved the quiet times of the day. First thing in the morning, enjoying a cup of coffee and view from my kitchen and last moment before the sunset when the quiet of the day joins the beauty of the sky.


Nude with Glasses

Nude with Glasses

Decided to try using new water soluble pencils with pens in our drawing get together last night. The pens are SO unforgiving and after my last weekend my art confidence was at an new low. This is the only drawing that was even presentable

Next week I am back back to charcoal and will try new things in the privacy of my own studio.

Wonder if any of you have ever gone through a period where one or two people say something slightly degrading about your art and you believe them enough to let it set you back a year or two or day in your forward progress.

Teaching should (at any age) be a positive experience for the student and make them feel better about themselves. Share your opinion. What do you think?

When I taught interior design at The Art Institute of Seattle, we did a lot of sketching in our classes and I always thought it was important to say more good than bad about anyone’s work. I watched so many of my students grow in ability and confidence.


BLue Tulip

BLue Tulip

Several years ago I was asked to write a book on presentation style hand drafting for interior design. That book “Hand Drafting for Interior Design” was published by Fairchild/Conde Naste and is used in many colleges around the country. I love to take the pencil techniques into pen and detail my sketches as one would a drawing/rendering for interior design or architecture.

BLue Tulip