Take a moment to reflect on this beautiful area we live in!!

IMG_5587 IMG_5591 IMG_5592 IMG_5594 IMG_5598 IMG_5602Take a moment to reflect on this beautiful area we live in!!

Once in a while nature surprises with an amazing moment. Looking out the window at the strong light, this Rainbow captured the horizon and make the world a beautiful place. This is when I feel very blessed to live where we can just look out the window and enjoy this.


Tulips, like lovers don’t always return ?

Tulips, like lovers don't always return

Taking a class on collage got me thinking, how can you use your art to get a point across, have some fun with it and bring it to a slightly larger audience.

In the next few days, I will be taking paintings I have done in the past or drawings and will try to add interesting quotes to them.

Would love your ideas or suggestions if you so desire!


Quiet can be your best friend

Quiet can be your best friend

Having just returned from a two week road trip to meet my beautiful two year old grand daughter from Cambodia, traveling with my youngest son to visit my oldest son was rewarding in many ways.

Getting to know Claire a little was totally amazing! Traveling with my youngest son was a fun adventure. We talked a lot on the trip, but also found we could comfortably drive for many miles not needing conversation.

I have always loved the quiet times of the day. First thing in the morning, enjoying a cup of coffee and view from my kitchen and last moment before the sunset when the quiet of the day joins the beauty of the sky.


Why do you paint a house blue??

Why do you paint a house blue??

Blue has always been my least favorite color, so not sure I decided to paint this blue house. Blue seems such a sad color. When you are sad you are also said to be blue. Why not paint your house a happy color, so every day when you come home to your Haven, you see a happy color?

It is true the blue of the sky (when it is not smoggy) and the blue of the lake or ocean could not be more beautiful sometimes, but the blue of everyday living….

Random thought for the day.

Check out my website at http://www.dianakingsley.net




The sitter is Hermine Gallia, née Hamburger (1870 – 1936). In 1893 she married her uncle, Moritz Gallia, a government adviser who became a leading patron of the arts. In this painting she wears a dress designed by Klimt.

Numerous drawings exist for the composition of this work, and several alterations are visible to the naked eye, much of the figure’s contour having been altered. In 1903 the painting was shown in an unfinished state in the Klimt-Kollective exhibition.

Every morning on my Treadmill (still strying to get in shape) I watch Netflix DVD’s on artists and art. It is amazing to see just how many are available.

Love how Klimt used gold in his work and would like to add some gold leaf to my nudes. His father was a jeweler and he learned how to work with gold from him. He dedicated his life to his art and changed the way we look at portraits.


How do you see the world?

How do you see the world?

No artist sees things as they really are. If he did, he would no longer paint.

Love this quote by Oscar Wilde.

Who knows if they really saw their world this way, but is does hopefully make you stop and think about how differently our eyes find the world through our art.


Driving through Eastern Washington this week I was entranced with the beauty of the fields in the Poulouse.  Undulating hills in golds, greens, browns and skies heavy with clouds.  As an artist we look at the view as if it is our next painting, not a barn or tree on the side of the road.  I have often thought that so many people just drive through our amazingly beautiful country and see little other than the road ahead.  If we expand the view our joy can be amazing!!


BLue Tulip

BLue Tulip

Several years ago I was asked to write a book on presentation style hand drafting for interior design. That book “Hand Drafting for Interior Design” was published by Fairchild/Conde Naste and is used in many colleges around the country. I love to take the pencil techniques into pen and detail my sketches as one would a drawing/rendering for interior design or architecture.

BLue Tulip

Better close your window

My son, Chadwyck Wirtz took this photo in san Francisco and I sometimes wonder if it is as true in the painting world, that what you name your photo can really make a difference. I often wish I were as clever as he is in naming his photos.

Better close your window certainly brings a whole new connotation to the photograph. Maybe I should just have him name my paintings, life might be a whole lot more fun.

Better close your window