Eat Ice Cream

Eat Ice Cream

Let me just say first, that I really do LOVE men and have a wonderful husband. I took the photo of these women in Volterra, Italy and they just seemed to be having the best time together. While in Paris I bought a post-card with this man silhouetted walking away. The photo of the castle seemed magical to me. The women seemed to not have a care in the world, so it just fell together.


Newest Collage

Newest Collage

Love the idea on this but did not like how in the original some of the transfer was a little cloudy. This is great fun to do and watch art dvds while you are playing/working.

Thinking about developing card series using these and putting them on small blocks. Kind of sharing my sense of humor and view on life.

Would love to shear what you think.

Don’t forget my paintings and drawings can be seen and bought at


Coffee in Paris

Coffe in Paris

My best friend and I have been friends for over thirty years. We have sons, the same ages, a daughter and son within two weeks of each other and two younger children. Then she had a wonderful surprise and her twins are also my God Sons.

I thought of her when I put this together, thinking we should have coffee in Paris some day before we are too old to enjoy it. Alexandra this is for you!!

Don’t forget to check out my website at


Eat Ice Cream

Eat Ice Cream

What a fun weekend taking a collage class with a lot of fun women. Never done any of this before and Kat DeBose was a great teacher. I used a lot of photos from my travels and decided rather than approach it as an art form to use it as a way to express satire.

Note in this one, the man is walking on water, or so he thinks and women enjoying their Ice Cream say to one another “Let him go”.

Tell me what you think of the idea! Might make a fun series of cards?

Don’t forget to check out my website at
